Tuesday, March 20, 2007


What an ugly word, what an ugly connotation.

That's what it looks like to me.

Let me take this moment to clarify that this is my personal opinion, not the opinion of the Stark County News, the school board or anyone else mentioned in this editorial.

My time to vent.

The situation is this. School districts are required by the Regional and State Board of Education to update buildings and follow labor and prevailing wage requirments. A local school district let bids for a second round of Health/Life/Safety work (building updates required by law). Upon the opening of the bids, two of the low bidders were non-union. After opening, the construction manager received two phone calls from union headquarters in Ottawa and Joliet. Both union representatives tell the construction manager that if the school district accepts the non-union bids, they would be faced with a strike.

Three things.

One, the difference between the lowest union bid and the non-union bids is $90,000. That's not chump change from a district that has been fiscally responsible with a recent increase in taxes voted for by the taxpayers.

Two, there were no bids from union companies based out of the union disrict area. The union bids came from another district. Because the school district falls in the Ottawa and Joliet area, those union officals called the school district's construction manager.

Three, the school district may be faced with a lawsuit if they don't accept the lowest bid or a work stoppage if they do accept the lowest bid. The district cannot afford either one.

What is wrong with this picture?

Let me say right now that I'm am not against unions. Unions are needed, they revolutionized industry and protected workers. But somewhere along the way, something has changed, especially if a small, strapped school district cannot have the freedom to chose for the financial benefit of its district.

Open dialogue and discussion between all parties are continuing, but no final decision has been made.

Let's hope they all make the right choice.

Update - September 10

The school board accepted the non-union bids for the project. Conversations with the union representatives stated that they would strike, but only for a short time and only if the district set up two different gates. The project manager felt that they could work problems out with the union reps and told the school board that they would be comfortable if they school chose the non-union bids.

The unions did strike, but for two days only. The school district set up two different gates, one for union, one for non-union. So far there has been no other incidents and the project has been completed, barring some minor final items.

September 10, 2007 2:15 PM


new world said...

I like you feel that sometimes we are held hostage by the unions. The unions were originally organized for brotherhood and to see that those around and below you got a fair deal, not a monopoly
of the work. They are becoming every man for himself and not his brother union member. If the bids are so that the people concern are getting fair working conditions, and wages I feel the unions should be glad that their original treatise is in place and working. That was what we were striking for was fair and equal working conditions. I know I walked those picket lines. Sometimes for 6 months at a time. If the work can be done within the community for a fair price, it should be allowed, but this is my input only. Competition is healthy for our country and counties.

Amy said...

Just an update on this situation:

The school board accepted the non-union bids for the project. Conversations with the union representatives stated that they would strike, but only for a short time and only if the district set up two different gates. The project manager felt that they could work problems out with the union reps and told the school board that they would be comfortable if they school chose the non-union bids.

The unions did strike, but for two days only. The school district set up two different gates, one for union, one for non-union. So far there has been no other incidents and the project has been completed, barring some minor final items.